
The CONSIDER project explores how Civil Society Organisations can be involved in research projects. This includes a survey of all EU FP7 research projects as well as a number of case studies.

The objective is to develop a model of CSO participation that allows for the development of guidelines for policy makers, researchers, CSOs and other stakeholders.

The activities are broken down into the following work packages.

WP 1 – Civil Society Organisation Participation in Research Governance

WP Leader: University of Namur (FUNDP)

WP 2 - The practice of CSO participation

WP Leader: Université de Lille

WP 3 - Model of CSO participation

WP Leader: Karlsruher Institut fuer Technologie (KIT)

WP 4 - Guidelines

WP Leader: De Montfort University (DMU)

WP 5 - Dissemination and Awareness Raising

WP Leader: University College London (UCL)

WP 6 - Project Management

WP Leader: De Montfort University (DMU)