WP5 Dissemination and Awareness Raising
Key to the success of the CONSIDER project is the dissemination of key research findings to relevant external groups. These audiences include:
- Associates network of 100+ Civil Society Organisations (CSOs)
- Research organisations (to include academic audiences)
- Policy organisations (especially at European level)
- Nationally‐based knowledge transfer and innovation networks in key member states and member regions of the European Regional Network
- Press, especially at regional and national levels
A wide variety of online, print and face‐to‐face media are contributing to the dissemination of the CONSIDER project findings. These include a dedicated website (www.consider‐project.eu) which also incorporates a news section and social media networks for sharing up‐to‐date information, and a virtual electronic forum for the Associate network. Various leaflets and information summaries are being produced for different audiences, for example project flyers, magazines, press releases and other media distributions. Two Policy Briefs (released approximately 18 and 36 months into the project) will provide problem‐oriented and policy‐relevant summaries that are suitable for informing policy development at both national and European levels. Throughout the project there will also be various workshops (e.g. relating to the guidelines that will be developed in consultation with key stakeholders) and dissemination events that will be used to highlight the CONSIDER findings to strategically important groups, including a final conference at month 33. Finally, CONSIDER will contribute to various EU Presidency Events held during its duration, ensuring close links between the research and potential policy implications throughout the programme.